SL À La Mode

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."
~ Coco Chanel


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Indyra Originals

[conversation IRL, sitting next to each other @ the computer]

Giovanni: Hey babe, what are you doing?
Anjelyc: I am...looking through my inventory for things I want to get rid of
Giovanni: Why?
Anjelyc: Well, I like it to be organized...u know that! I did urs remember?
Giovanni: I can't find anything
Anjelyc: Whatever, its awesome as I am and u know it [clicks a folder & wears]
Giovanni: Where did you get that and how come i've never seen it before!
Anjelyc: I dunno I have a bunch of stuff you haven't seen...since when do I wear fishnet halters?
Giovanni: Well you should start...

In all honesty, it was a really well made fishnet halter & matching boyshort thing but it showed alll the goodies so I had to take that off [yeah, I kept it tho].  For the sake of honesty, I'll say i'm not sure how I even got that because as far as I can remember I had never gone to Indyra Originals before last week.  Now, I could be wrong but I don't recall really.  I'm sure that makes me seem like a total SLoser lol, but hey what can I say.  I wasn't up with the cool kids til recently, and I've only got a visitors pass right now!  That lingere was so well made that I wanted to see more, so I hopped on the handy landmark and ended right in front of the store.  I walked around and realized there was some sort of sale going on, so I got a tad bit excited.  Hey, Puerto Ricans and sales what can I say...i'm a product of my upbringing.  I walked all around the store and then there was this floating woman above my head with her cute little skirt billowing as she bobbed in the air.  I wondered if she worked there, or had maybe just landed and wasn't aware that she was in the air.  Then I realized it was the owner, and she was arranging items in her store so I moved it along feeling quite foolish.  It's ok, you can laugh.  I did...ok stop, that's enough.  There was so much I wanted to buy, I was dizzy from looking at all the fun clothes to wear!  And she makes shoes to match her clothes, that is so nifty.  I find myself at a loss on occasion with matching shoes to my new outfits and Indyra just went and cut out the middle man - awesomeness. 

 Well, as we know I can't say no to a good sale or a cute outfit so yep I bought something and then I found something else and here we all are sharing a blog moment.  It might have been during a hunt..or a subscriber gift or...I don't know, something.  But I do remember getting this pink jacket and being thoroughly confused as to why there was only 2 prims in the folder.  One of those little boxes was the WHOLE JACKET!  There was two versions, and ADM that must take forever, who knows I can't make clothing but its so cute and so I threw that on also, for pictures sake.
There are some really fabulous designs at Indyra Originals and I advise anyone that's never been to go, ASAP.  Anyone that has, hey go again!  Who knows what you might find there that is completely to die for!


Hair by Magika
Jeans by [CM] (unreleased-coming soon!)
Skin by Fhang Candy

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Anjelyc Morales

Anjelyc Morales
Fashion Detective




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I don't really have one. Most of the things I blog, I purchased. I am always honored if someone enjoys my writing enough to send me an item to add to the blog. When I have the time to do so, I certainly will. I do alot of events blogging and work so sometimes it does take a bit and I apologize for that! Thank you in advance for thinking of me.

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